Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda…

What might you have done differently if you had known career transition was coming?

I have worked with executives in transition for almost 24 years and as expected, there are recurring themes. Two that come to mind are, 1) there were things beyond their control and 2) they were ill-prepared for it.

It is a given that circumstances change, stuff happens and people get impacted. Research conducted by Clements United amongst former transition clients found their levels of agreement with the following statements to be:

  • Career transition can happen to anyone (99%).
  • Career transition is a rite of passage (72%).
  • There had been a change in to whom I reported in the 18 months prior to my departure (60%).
  • There had been a restructuring of the organization in the 18 months prior to my departure (60%).
  • There had been change in the organization’s President or CEO in the 18 months prior to my departure (56%).

You probably know someone who has lost their position in the past 12 months, so you understand that having to find a new opportunity can become a reality overnight.

With this in mind, take a moment to answer the following question: What have you been doing to prepare yourself if that knock on the door meant your services were no longer required?

Is there anything you would have done differently? Any regrets? Here are thoughts that many of my clients share:

  • I have not kept my existing network active.
  • I have not added to my network.
  • I have not taken any calls from Search executives, nor helped them with candidates.
  • I have not built my profile within my industry.
  • I have not made time for professional development, training or education.
  • I have not managed my LinkedIn presence.
  • I have not made time for anyone in transition.
  • I have not evaluated my financial situation.
  • I have not been present for my family or friends.
  • I have not taken care of my health.

So, with these thoughts in mind, what might you do differently starting January 1st, or even sooner?

If there was a way to future proof against transition, someone would have already developed the IP and become rich.  In the interim, I hope this helps.