Twenty Years is a Very Good Start!

Call it a privilege. Call it a journey. Call it good fortune. Call it a very good start!

This month I completed 20 years as a career transition consultant working with executives and professionals – wow, how did this happen!?

I have been reflecting on the good fortune I have had, starting with joining Miller Dallas in March 2000, and getting the opportunity to work with an amazing team of professionals led by Dr. John Crawford and Andrea Waines.

I have the daily privilege of working with interesting and accomplished people at a time in their lives that can be challenging or bewildering. People who have to embrace the unknown and take me into their confidence.

Can you imagine doing something for 20 years and learning every day? I get to share a part of each person’s journey. I learn about clients’ circumstances, histories, families, fears and aspirations. I also learn about functions, roles, industries, companies and cultures.

I have learned that people value professional expertise, as I do when I visit my dentist! My expertise has been developed working with more than 750 individuals and conducting research. I have even worked with five couples – not at the same time, but due to a spouse’s recommendation. No pressure there!

The journey continued when I established Clements United in 2010. Running my own practice allows me to deliver the service the way I know executives want it delivered – based on facts, having some fun, one-on-one and with honesty, even when the truth is hard to hear. Group meetings and webinars don’t cut it.

My clients know I am invested in their success. I don’t have to deliver numbers to anyone, or manage to a particular profit margin, so my primary objective is to ensure my clients have an experience that would have them want to recommend my services to their best friend – it is a simple goal.

A career transition is also one of those times in life when one learns or has reinforced that life is a team sport. Very few people succeed on their own. My career transition practice is living proof of this as I have been the recipient of wonderful support over these 20 years.

I was in Mexico for a week of meetings when Miller Dallas ran an ad in The Globe and Mail in late 1999. While thumbing through a dated copy I stumbled upon that ad more than 10 days after it ran. Have I mentioned that one’s career usually requires some luck?!